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We also affectionately call him "Happy Fred"



A Gentle, Firm,
and Determined Companion

"Happy Fred" is our nickname for him. He is always wagging his tail and doing his best to be the center of your attention.  Carefree, confident and assertive, He is Roxi's and Harry's son.  He will capture your heart.  He is vocal when we have visitors and is very vocal in his greetings. Fred is also a service dog, alerts seizures like his dad, diabetes / blood sugar levels, migraines and searches for certain allergens. 

Fred serves as Lew's "back up" service dog. He is proficient at seizure alert and also can alert to migration onset, giving Lew enough notice to take action. While working, Fred will not engage people. At home, he loves to greet and investigate newcomers to our home. After his initial inspection, he will compete for your attention.


Self-Assured, Confident, and Secure

Fred is a fully trained working Service Dog. Fred’s skills include seizure alert, approximately 10-12 minutes in advance, migraine onset, typically 15+ minutes advanced alerts, as well as a few others. He is catching up with his dad on the seizure alert skill. Fred is self-assured, confident, secure, and mild-mannered.

Fred readily greets strangers who visit his home. He is not shy nor reserved and does not retreat preferring a warm greeting upfront.


A Very Healthy Boy

  • Excellent overall health, passing a full physical exam by a reproduction specialist vet.

  • OFA Registered Tests:

  • Hips, OFA Good, EU-191G41M-VPI

  • Elbow, Normal, EU-EL114M41-VPI

  • Patellar, Normal – Practitioner, EU-PA127/41M/P-VPI

  • Eyes, Clear, EU-EYE41/40M-VPI

  • DW Carrier, Negative (through parents)

  • EB Carrier, Negative (through parents)

  • Brucellosis, Negative

All photos and website content © 2023 Exquisite Eurasier

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