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We also affectionately call her "Phoebi Bee"



A World Traveler Who Dropped in to Share Her Love

Like Opal and Peggi, Phoebi came to us from a well known reputable breeder in France with well established and healthy bloodlines. We are very happy to have Phoebi Bee as a part of our family. She was brought to America specifically to diversify our limited genetic pool. We are looking forward to seeing her whelp fantastic puppies.


Shy, Reserved, and Affectionate

Phoebi is a fully trained working Service Dog. She is a little shyer than a typical Eurasier. She is very cautious and very wary of strangers and it takes her several hours to warm up to people. She will hide behind us when new people are present. She is an Omega personality and is happy to be one of Roxi's minions. She is very affectionate with her family and is persistent at getting the attention she wants. She will crawl up into our laps and snuggle. She loves to follow cousin Opal to play. She surely loves to play and sees her full-time job as chasing Opal and Peggi Sue.

She is very active; she interacts well with her fellow pack members. She follows the play with the older members. She is excellent with children; she currently resides with a young boy and has some exposure to small groups of children ages 10 to 14.


A Very Healthy Girl

  • Excellent overall health, passing a full physical exam by a reproduction specialist vet.

  • OFA Registered Tests

  • Hips, OFA Good, EU-131G25M-VPI

  • Elbow, Normal, EU-EL74M25-VPI

  • Patellar, Normal – Practitioner,

  • Eyes, Clear, EU-EYE42/68M-VPI

  • Thyroid, Normal, EU-TH86/69M-VPI

  • DWLM Carrier, Negative, VetGen 48468

  • EBS Carrier, Negative, VetGen 48468

  • E Locus (white), EE - not carrying the “e” gene, VetGen 48468

  • Brucellosis, Negative

All photos and website content © 2023 Exquisite Eurasier

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